Do you struggle coming across naturally when speaking to camera? It’s not easy… and it can feel awkward, unnerving and strange at first. But there are a few easy tips for speaking to camera naturally and in this video I’m going to break down three of my favourites.
The first tip is all about tricking yourself to stay looking directly at the camera, so that your eyes don’t dart all over the place and distract the viewer when you’re speaking.
Next, I share the importance of maintaining a natural gaze pattern so that you don’t come across as stiff, or unnatural in your videos.
Finally, it’s all about the connection to the audience. So if you can try to picture your ideal audience on the other side of the lens then it will feel more natural and your presentation will naturally be more engaging.
I’m keen to know what you struggle with when presenting to camera… or if you have any other tips let me know in the comments below.
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