Do you want to take your Zoom videos to the next level for your social media video strategy… with NO EDITING SKILLS OR SOFTWARE NEEDED! Let’s go!
My Toolkit for this video;
Quicc** – https://www.engagevideomarketing.com/quicc
MPEG Streamclip – http://www.squared5.com/
Canva – https://canva.com
** By using the partner link for Quicc above you’ll get double the minutes when you sign up for a paid plan and I receive a small commission at no cost to you.
With so many people right now using zoom video conferencing to record interviews, create content and hold meetings we’re creating a lot of potentially valuable video content for a social media video strategy.
But how can you take your zoom video recordings and quickly turn them into social media native videos with a branded square frame, eye catching headline and burnt-in captions?
In this tutorial I’ll walk you through the three step process to extract a section of your zoom recording, design a square frame overlay and add captions using some simple, free (or low cost) tools.
Get a 30 day free trial of my recommended YouTube growth tool TubeBuddy here:|
Innovate Media offers powerful brand story and client testimonial (case study) social media video marketing packages for businesses on the Sunshine Coast and across Australia. Check out these services we offer and see which suits your needs https://innovatemedia.com.au/video-marketing-services/