Effective video marketing for a business happens when there are multiple videos, for different needs used in different ways, all working together for a common goal, and this where activity mapping comes in.
I believe that everything is better when it works together. So, how can you map out a video marketing strategy that works together to grow your business, and not get overwhelmed and confused in the process
For many businesses utilising video marketing in different ways across their marketing and sales channels it can begin to seem like there’s a whole bunch of different video stuff going on, but no clear idea of where each piece fits into the bigger picture.
This is why, if you’re responsible for marketing a business I recommend taking the time to create a video marketing activity map, as part of your overall marketing plan.
Let me show you what this might look like.
There is a specific way that I want you to layout your video strategy activity map, but you can customise it based on the specific activities that you’re planning in your video marketing strategy. The activity takes a standard grid pattern here and down the left-hand column, we’re going to write the specific stages of the customer journey. On the left-hand side, what we’re going to write here is the different key stages of the customer journey. So, we’ll simplify it to Awareness, Engagement, Conversion, and Advocacy. Then across the top of this matrix, we’re going to write the specific types of videos that you’re planning on implementing across the full suite of your video marketing strategy.
- Produced Videos – these are higher budget videos typically produced by video marketing companies
- Video Blogs – these are in-house produced videos; you may also use a video producer to work with you on those.
- DIY/Stories – these types of videos are shot on the iPhones and stories type videos such as Instagram stories.
- Live – these are live streamed videos.
- 1:1 Personalised Videos – these are customised video for a particular viewer.
Now the goal is to think about how we’re going to map out that activity based on what the current priorities of this business are. So, what I want you to do is to think about creating content or mapping out the strategy based on key priorities, looking at the overall picture of this business. Below is a sample of how you are going to map out your video strategy. H stands for high priority, M for medium priority, and L for low priority.
Setting Up Your Video Strategy with Activity Mapping
Depending on your business, your customer journey and the various channels you are utilising in your video strategy, you’ll definitely want to customise your activity map to suit you.
But once you’ve designed your strategy, and mapped it out like this, you’ll have a fantastic 40-thousand-foot view of the various video marketing activities happening in your business and exactly where the attention and focus should be at any given point to grow the business. It’s a simple way to avoid the overwhelm.